Black Maine Coon Cat Breed Info: Pictures, Traits & Facts

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Black Maine Coon Cat Breed Info: Pictures, Traits & Facts

Have you ever laid eyes on a feline so regal, so captivating, that it leaves you in awe? Meet the black Maine Coon – a magnificent creature that embodies feline elegance and charisma. With their sleek ebony coats glistening like polished onyx and their piercing, expressive eyes, these gentle giants command attention in any room they grace.

But the black Maine Coon’s beauty extends far beyond its striking appearance. These intelligent, affectionate felines are cherished for their warm, loving personalities and their ability to forge deep bonds with their human companions. Prepare to be enchanted as we delve into the world of this extraordinary breed, uncovering the traits, history, and enduring allure that have made the black Maine Coon a true feline icon.

Breed Overview

The Maine Coon is a large, semi-longhaired cat breed known for its incredible intelligence, gentle demeanor, and stunning appearance. These gentle giants originated in the state of Maine and are one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. While their coat colors can vary, one of the most striking is the solid black Maine Coon.

These regal felines have captured the hearts of many with their lush, ebony-colored fur and striking physical features. The solid black Maine Coon, often affectionately referred to as a “mini panther” or “ebony Maine Coon,” is a true sight to behold. Their sleek, shiny coats and luminous eyes make them stand out from the crowd.

ALSO READ: Unveiling The Enigmatic Blue Smoke Maine Coon Cat: A Complete Guide

Black Maine Coon Breed Characteristics

Black Maine Coon Breed Characteristics

What Makes Them So Exquisite?

The black Maine Coon is a breathtaking specimen with a coat that gleams like pure onyx. Their dense, water-resistant fur lies smooth against their large, muscular bodies, giving them an elegant and refined appearance. These gentle giants can weigh anywhere from 10 to 25 pounds when fully grown, with males typically being larger than females.

Their distinctive physical traits only add to their allure. Maine Coons are known for their tufted ears, bushy tails, and lynx-like tipped ears, all of which contribute to their wild and rugged charm. Their large, expressive eyes and square muzzles give them a unique and endearing look.

What Color Are Their Eyes And Nose?

One of the most striking features of the black Maine Coon is their eye color. According to breed standards, their eyes can range from a vibrant copper or gold to a deep, rich green. These captivating hues provide a stunning contrast against their ebony coats, making their gaze even more mesmerizing.

Additionally, their nose leather is typically black or a brick red shade, perfectly complementing their overall appearance.

What color eyes do black Maine Coons have?

As mentioned, black Maine Coons can have a variety of eye colors, including:

  • Green: A deep, forest green is a commonly accepted eye color for this breed.
  • Gold: A warm, golden hue is also considered desirable.
  • Copper: A striking copper or amber tone is another stunning option.

It’s important to note that a Maine Coon’s eye color can deepen and intensify as they mature, so a kitten’s eye color may change slightly as they grow older.

Why did your cat’s black coat turn reddish-brown?

If you’ve noticed your black Maine Coon’s coat taking on a slightly reddish-brown hue, there’s no need to worry. This is a natural phenomenon caused by sun exposure. As the black pigment in their fur is exposed to sunlight, it can cause a slight rusting or fading effect, resulting in a more reddish tint.

This is simply the coat clearing itself of dead hairs and is a completely normal occurrence, especially during seasonal shedding periods.

Brown Kitty?

It’s not uncommon for black Maine Coon kittens to be born with a slightly brownish hue to their fur. This is because their true, rich black pigmentation often takes a few weeks or months to fully develop.

As the kitten grows and sheds their first coat, their sleek, solid black fur will emerge, revealing their true beauty.

Can Maine Coons be black?

Absolutely! Solid black is an accepted and recognized color in the Maine Coon breed standard. These stunning felines are a testament to the breed’s versatility and beauty.

Are black Maine Coon cats rare?

While not the rarest color variation, solid black Maine Coons are certainly less common than some of the more popular shades like brown, red, or gray. However, they are still fairly regularly occurring within the breed.

According to some estimates, solid black Maine Coons may make up around 10-15% of the breed’s population, making them a sought-after and unique choice for many cat lovers.

The Earliest Records of Black Maine Coon Cats in History

The exact origins of the solid black Maine Coon are shrouded in mystery, but historical records provide some clues. One of the earliest documented mentions of black Maine Coons dates back to the late 19th century.

In a book published in 1892, titled “The Book of the Cat,” author Frances Simpson included a chapter dedicated to the Maine Coon breed. Within this chapter, she described the various coat colors found in these felines, including the “rich black” variety.

This early documentation suggests that solid black Maine Coons were already established within the breed by the late 1800s, although their popularity may have fluctuated over the years.

How The Black Maine Coon Gained Popularity

While solid black Maine Coons may have been present in the breed’s early days, it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that their popularity began to surge. As cat shows and breed competitions became more widespread, these striking felines started to gain recognition and admiration from breeders and enthusiasts alike.

One notable event that helped propel the black Maine Coon into the spotlight was the success of a cat named “Smoky Joe” in the 1960s. This stunning ebony feline won multiple Best in Show awards, captivating audiences with his impressive size and luxurious black coat.

From that point on, solid black Maine Coons became a coveted and highly sought-after color variation within the breed, with breeders actively working to produce more of these regal felines.

Formal Recognition of The Black Maine Coon

Formal Recognition of The Black Maine Coon

As the popularity of solid black Maine Coons grew, it was only a matter of time before they received formal recognition from major cat associations. In the 1970s, organizations such as the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) and The International Cat Association (TICA) officially accepted solid black as a color class for the Maine Coon breed.

This recognition was a significant milestone, as it meant that black Maine Coons could now be judged and awarded in their own color division at shows and competitions. It also helped to further solidify their place within the breed and encouraged more breeders to focus on producing high-quality solid black kittens.

According to the CFA’s breed standard, solid black Maine Coons are described as having a “dense, opaque coat of deep black, sound from the roots to the tips of the fur.” Small white markings on the chest, belly, or paws are also permitted, as long as they do not detract from the overall black appearance.

Top 3 Unique Facts About The Black Maine Coon

While the solid black Maine Coon is undoubtedly a stunning feline, there are some fascinating and unique facts about this breed that may surprise you.

1. Maine Coons almost went extinct.

Yes, you read that correctly! These magnificent cat breed was once on the brink of extinction. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the rise of more popular longhair breeds like the Persian nearly wiped out the Maine Coon population.

It wasn’t until dedicated breeders and fanciers stepped in to revive and promote the breed that these gentle giants were saved from disappearing forever. Today, the Maine Coon is one of the most beloved and widely recognized cat breeds in the world.

2. Many Myths Surround The Breed.

Like many ancient breeds, the Maine Coon has been the subject of numerous myths and legends throughout history. One of the most enduring tales suggests that these felines are the offspring of raccoons and domestic cats.

While this story makes for an amusing anecdote, it has been thoroughly debunked by modern science and genetics. The Maine Coon is a purely domestic breed that evolved naturally in the harsh New England climate.

Another myth claims that Maine Coons were once beloved ship’s cats, accompanying sailors on their voyages and helping to keep rodents at bay. While this may have been true for some individual cats, there is no concrete evidence to support this as the breed’s origin story.

3. Black Maine Coons must be all black.

According to breed standards, solid black Maine Coons are allowed to have small white markings on their chest, belly, or paws. These markings are considered acceptable as long as they don’t detract from the overall black appearance of the cat.

However, it’s important to note that these white markings should be minimal and not extensive. A Maine Coon with large patches of white fur would not be considered a true solid black

How popular are black Maine Coons?

While solid black Maine Coons may not be the most common color variation within the breed, they have undoubtedly gained a dedicated following among cat lovers and breeders alike. Their striking appearance and regal demeanor have made them a highly sought-after and desirable choice.

In recent years, the popularity of black Maine Coons has been on the rise, with more and more people drawn to their unique charm and beauty. This surge in popularity can be attributed to several factors, including:

  1. Increased Visibility: As social media and online platforms have become more prevalent, stunning images and videos of solid black Maine Coons have been widely shared, exposing these felines to a broader audience.
  2. Celebrity Endorsement: Several high-profile celebrities and influencers have proudly showcased their black Maine Coon companions, further fueling the breed’s popularity.
  3. Breed Recognition: With major cat associations officially recognizing and promoting solid black as an accepted color class, these felines have gained more credibility and attention within the show circuit.

While exact statistics on the breed’s color distribution can be challenging to obtain, it’s clear that black Maine Coons have a dedicated and growing fanbase. Their rarity and striking appearance make them a prized addition to any cat lover’s home.

Does The Black Maine Coon Make a Good Pet?

Absolutely! The Maine Coon, regardless of color, is widely regarded as one of the most affectionate, gentle, and loyal cat breeds to own. Their friendly and intelligent nature, combined with their stunning solid black coats, make black Maine Coons an excellent choice for families or individuals seeking a loving and engaging companion.

One of the standout traits of the Maine Coon is their adaptability and compatibility with children and other pets. These gentle giants are known for their patience and calm demeanor, making them excellent playmates for kids and capable of coexisting harmoniously with other furry friends in the household.

Additionally, Maine Coons are highly intelligent and easily trainable, often displaying dog-like tendencies such as retrieving toys or even walking on a leash. Their inquisitive nature and love of interacting with their human families make them wonderful companions that thrive on attention and playtime.

It’s important to note, however, that Maine Coons are a semi-longhair breed and require regular grooming to maintain their lush coats and prevent matting or excessive shedding. Weekly brushing and occasional baths will help keep their ebony fur looking sleek and shiny.

Overall, if you’re seeking a loving, gentle, and striking feline companion, the solid black Maine Coon is an excellent choice. Their affectionate nature and stunning appearance make them a true joy to have in any home.

Black Maine Coon Cat Health Issues

Black Maine Coon Cat Health Issues

While the solid black color in Maine Coons is simply a matter of pigmentation, it’s important to note that all colors within the breed share the same potential health concerns. The color alone does not impact a Maine Coon’s overall health or predisposition to certain conditions.

Like many larger cat breeds, Maine Coons can be prone to a few inherited health issues, including:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: This condition occurs when the hip joint doesn’t form properly, leading to pain and mobility issues. Responsible breeders screen for this condition to reduce the risk.
  2. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): This is a form of heart disease that can cause the heart muscle to thicken, potentially leading to heart failure. Regular checkups and screening can help monitor for this condition.
  3. Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA): This inherited neuromuscular disorder can cause muscle weakness and atrophy, particularly in the hind legs. Genetic testing can identify carriers and prevent breeding affected cats.
  4. Obesity: Due to their large size and tendency towards inactivity if not properly exercised, Maine Coons can be prone to obesity if not fed a balanced diet and given ample playtime.

It’s crucial for Maine Coon owners to work closely with their veterinarians to stay up-to-date on health screenings and preventative care. Reputable breeders should also be transparent about any potential health concerns within their lines and provide documentation of genetic testing or screening.

By being proactive and providing a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a loving environment, black Maine Coons can live long, happy, and healthy lives as cherished family companions.

Is it True That Black Cats Are Less Prone to Be Adopted?

Unfortunately, there is a persistent stigma and superstition surrounding black cats that has led to lower adoption rates for these felines in many shelters and rescue organizations. Despite their stunning appearance and gentle nature, black cats often find themselves overlooked in favor of other coat colors.

This issue is particularly prevalent around certain holidays, such as Halloween, when unfounded fears and myths about black cats being associated with bad luck or witchcraft tend to resurface.

However, it’s important to dispel these myths and recognize that a cat’s color has absolutely no bearing on its personality, temperament, or luck factor. Black cats are just as loving, playful, and deserving of forever homes as any other feline.

In fact, many animal welfare organizations have launched campaigns and initiatives to promote the adoption of black cats, highlighting their unique beauty and advocating for the end of these harmful superstitions.

Are Black Cats Bad Luck?

The Black Cat Superstition

The belief that black cats are harbingers of bad luck or misfortune has been deeply ingrained in various cultures and folklore for centuries. This superstition can be traced back to the Middle Ages, where black cats were often associated with witchcraft, the devil, and other sinister forces.

During this time, it was not uncommon for black cats to be persecuted, killed, or used in rituals and spells, further perpetuating the negative stigma surrounding their appearance.

The Story Behind Black Cat Superstition

While the exact origins of this superstition are debated, one popular theory suggests that it stems from the ancient Egyptians’ reverence for cats. In Egyptian mythology, cats were associated with the goddess Bastet and were considered sacred animals.

However, when the Catholic Church gained power and sought to suppress pagan beliefs, cats became symbols of the alleged “devil worship” practiced by those who still followed the ancient Egyptian religions. As a result, black cats, with their striking and mysterious appearance, were seen as harbingers of evil and misfortune.

Black Cats Are Good Luck to Some

Despite the persistent negative superstitions, there are many cultures and belief systems that view black cats as symbols of good luck and prosperity. In parts of Britain, for instance, a black cat arriving at one’s doorstep is considered a fortuitous omen, bringing good luck and fortune to the household.

Similarly, in various regions of Asia, black cats are believed to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity and good health to their owners.

Solid Black Cats Improve Your Love Life [So They Say!]

One lighthearted and somewhat amusing superstition surrounding solid black cats is the belief that gifting one to a loved one can improve or strengthen your romantic relationship. While this notion may seem far-fetched, it has persisted in various folklore and traditions throughout history.

However, it’s important to note that adopting or gifting a pet should never be done on a whim or based solely on superstition. Caring for a feline companion is a long-term commitment that requires responsibility, patience, and a genuine desire to provide a loving home.

Please Keep Your Black Cats Safe on Halloween Night

Sadly, the enduring superstitions and myths surrounding black cats often lead to an increase in cruelty cases and instances of theft or abandonment around certain holidays, particularly Halloween.

Animal welfare organizations and shelters have reported a concerning rise in black cat intake and abuse cases during this time, as some misguided individuals may seek to use these innocent animals in rituals or pranks.

It’s crucial for all black cat owners to take extra precautions during this period, such as keeping their feline companions indoors and ensuring they have proper identification and microchips in case of accidental escape or theft.

By raising awareness and educating the public about the harmless and loving nature of black cats, we can work towards ending these harmful superstitions and ensuring the safety and well-being of these beautiful felines.

How Much is a Black Maine Coon Kitten?

How Much is a Black Maine Coon Kitten?

The cost of a black Maine Coon kitten can vary depending on several factors, including the breeder’s reputation, the kitten’s pedigree, and the supply and demand in your area. However, in general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $800 to $2,000 or more for a well-bred solid black Maine Coon kitten from a reputable breeder.

Here are some key factors that can influence the price:

  1. Breeder Reputation: Breeders with a long-standing, positive reputation for producing high-quality Maine Coons with excellent health and temperaments will typically charge higher prices for their kittens.
  2. Pedigree and Bloodlines: Kittens from champion or show-winning bloodlines, with extensive pedigrees and desirable traits, will often command higher prices.
  3. Show Potential: If a kitten is deemed to have the potential for success in the show ring, breeders may charge a premium for their show-quality kittens.
  4. Location: Prices can also vary based on your geographic location and the availability of solid black Maine Coon kittens in your area.
  5. Age and Gender: Typically, younger kittens and female kittens may be priced slightly higher than their older or male counterparts.

It’s important to remember that while the upfront cost of a black Maine Coon kitten from a reputable breeder may seem high, you are investing in a well-bred, healthy cat with a known pedigree and a reduced risk of potential health or behavioral issues.

Additionally, responsible breeders often include services such as initial veterinary care, vaccinations, microchipping, and even a health guarantee or return policy, adding value to the overall cost.

If the breeder prices seem out of your budget, it’s worth considering adopting a black Maine Coon from a reputable rescue organization or shelter. While their backgrounds may be less certain, adoption fees are typically much lower, and you’ll be providing a loving home to a deserving feline in need.


The solid black Maine Coon is a true feline marvel, captivating cat lovers with its regal appearance, gentle demeanor, and stunning ebony coat. These gentle giants are a testament to the breed’s versatility and beauty, showcasing the rich diversity that the Maine Coon has to offer.

From their mesmerizing copper or green eyes to their luxurious, water-resistant coats, black Maine Coons possess a unique allure that sets them apart from other feline companions. Their friendly and affectionate personalities, combined with their impressive size and intelligence, make them wonderful additions to any family.

While solid black Maine Coons may not be the most common color variation within the breed, their popularity has been steadily rising, with more and more people seeking out these striking felines. Their rarity and distinctive appearance have made them highly sought-after by cat enthusiasts and breeders alike.

Whether you’re drawn to their mystical charm, their loving nature, or simply their breathtaking beauty, the black Maine Coon is a breed that truly captures the essence of feline magnificence.

If you’re considering adding one of these regal felines to your life, be sure to do your research, seek out reputable breeders or rescues, and prepare to provide a loving and enriching environment for your new furry companion.

With their gentle souls and captivating presence, solid black Maine Coons are sure to bring joy, companionship, and a touch of feline royalty to any household they grace.

ALSO READ THIS POST: Unveiling The Enigmatic Blue Smoke Maine Coon Cat: A Complete Guide


How rare is a black Maine Coon cat? 

While not the rarest, solid black Maine Coons are considered less common than some other colors, making up an estimated 10-15% of the breed’s population. Their striking appearance and distinctive ebony coats contribute to their sought-after status among cat fanciers.

How much is a black Maine Coon cat worth? 

The cost of a well-bred solid black Maine Coon kitten from a reputable breeder can range from $800 to $2,000 or more, depending on factors like pedigree, show potential, and the breeder’s reputation. Prices may vary based on location and availability.

What is the rarest Maine Coon color? 

The rarest Maine Coon colors are solid white and solid black smoke. These colors are relatively uncommon and highly prized among breeders and enthusiasts due to their scarcity and stunning appearance.

Are Maine Coon cats friendly? 

Yes, Maine Coons are known for their gentle, affectionate, and friendly nature. These intelligent felines are often described as “gentle giants” and are renowned for their adaptability, patience, and ability to get along well with children and other pets.

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